A Full Day

a full day

There are some days that are full, to the brim, and some days that are overflowing, past the brim, and pouring out all over the table. But there are those days, those really hard days, which it is so overflowing, that it is hard to stay afloat. You tread and tread hoping to make it to the end of the day. Today is one of those days.
When you wake up not feeling well and also awake with the sense of needing more sleep, you know that the day is not off to a great start. After making sure that the store is all set up and ready, I had to pick up all the platters from the weekend catering, run to the restaurant store for a few needed items, cater two lunches and meet the tent guy over a client’s house to measure a tent for a party.
All before noon!!!!
Then I received a text form my daughter. A sad text! She lives for singing. Actually she never stops singing. From the earliest time that I could remember, she sang. She sang in the nursery, she sang in the tub, she sang in yard, she sang everywhere!!! She now sings on stage for school. Her voice is beautiful!!! So as a dad, when I got a text from her that she didn’t make advanced chorus at school, it sort of ripped my heart out. She wanted it so bad and I really think she is good enough. But with only a couple of alto spots open, she didn’t get in!!
Having children is really hard. You want the best for them. You want them to be happy, secure and love life. There isn’t anything you wouldn’t do to help them along.
So when it doesn’t work out for them and they hurt, it really hurts you as well. I know that I can not control all the things that unfold in my kids lives, I accept that often it is out of my hands, but when your children are upset and hurting, you just want to turn back the clock. You want to put them on your lap, wrap them up in a blanket and rock them to sleep after reading them a story.

But I need to live what I preach to my kids. Today was a hard day, but tomorrow will be better!!!!!. Or at least I can hope for the best!!!!

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